Other External Sources of Help for Applicants

In this section we provide useful links to other external sources of help available. We do not represent these organisations and cannot provide any form of guarantee or endorcement. If you wish to use an external organisation for support, you do this at your own risk. Some of these sources below offer free assistance, others will charge for their services. We aim to make it clear where support is offered free of charge.

The below sources are not listed in any order of preference or importance:-

  • Enterprise M3 Growth Hub – The resource Network:- A free service to businesses, both a helpline and/or a webchat available. Aims to provide first stage advice to businesses and provides a sign-post to key business services available locally to meet your needs. Tel: 0300 456 3565, www.enterprisem3growthhub.co.uk, letstalk@enterprisem3growthhub.co.uk
  • Enterprise First – A free service – Can offer one to one business advice sessions and provide information on securing funding. They also have a business toolkit online which offers downloadable resources including creating business plans, profit and loss forecasts, cashflows etc. www.enterprisefirst.co.uk or email info@enterprisefirst.co.uk