Outcomes for Cultural and Heritage Assets and Events

DSC_0287Below is the list of the sort of outcomes we would hope to see projects applying for this grant programme achieve. We do not expect you to achieve all of the outcomes, as achieving on one outcome may outweigh the need to deliver on others. This merely serves as a list to give you guidance on what is important in an application to us. Please remember that LEADER is a grant programme that aims to boost the rural economy and all projects should demonstrate how they will contribute to this. You will need to list these outcomes in your application and also prove you have delivered on them before claiming your grant.


  • Additional direct employment created?
  • Increased GVA (gross value added) profits?
  • Improved access to cultural assets?
  • No. of residents in the area that may benefit from your project?
  • Beneficial collaboration with other businesses/groups/enterprises?
  • Will your project make use of local suppliers?
  • Will your project make use of local services, e.g local shop, post office, village hall etc
  • Existing or new tourism activities supported?
  • No. of potential additional overnight stays per annum in the local area?
  • No. of potential additional day visits in the local area?
  • Reduction in carbon emissions?
  • Improved energy/water use?
  • Reduction to waste?
  • Beneficial impacts on sustainable travel options?